21 November 2009

The Sun is Down!

Over the last month I've been working a little at a time to put together an entry for Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band's remix contest. I went to the contest website, and downloaded the audio files of Yoko's voice, and some other electronic effects from the song "The Sun is Down!" which is on their latest CD. I wasn't already familiar with it, so I think it gave me some freedom from preconceptions which are hard to shake. I think this is why I didn't enter a similar contest for a couple Peter Gabriel songs- I was such a huge fan back in the '80's and '90's, and I couldn't get the original versions out of my head. However, when I listened to the audio files of Yoko's voice by itself, it struck me as something very appropriate for a Tea With Warriors song. So I jammed along with it, rearranged the lyrics into an order I thought was nice, and made up entirely new music. I'm not sure that the end result will be what the P.O.B. is looking for in terms of a "remix", but I think it stands well on its own as a piece of music, and if someone had done something similar with my music/voice, I would get a kick out of how totally different it is from what I made. After my version had "solidified" so to speak, I went and listened to the P.O.B. version. Wow- totally different. Mine is kind of jazzy '60's style, lots of mellotron samples. Not sure how I would describe the original, except that it is more modern and hard-edged, lots of electronics.

I can't post it here because of the legal agreement, but if I place in the top 10 it will be on the P.O.B. web site. So I hope it wins, so people can hear it!

The entry deadline is the end of the month, so I'll submit over Thanksgiving. Check back here for updates on what happens!

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